
July 25, 2012

I received a message today nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award by Melanie of The Coffee Club at

Thank you, Melanie, for your nomination. I’m glad you enjoy iPhonePhotoMaven.  I have a great deal of fun with this little photoblog hope anyone who visits has fun!  It’s an honor to accept this award, especially because now I get to nominate folks I follow closely.

There are five guidelines for accepting this award:

Link back to the blogger who nominated you.

  1. Paste the award image on your blog, anywhere.
  2. Tell them seven facts about yourself.  
  3. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award.
  4. Contact the bloggers that you have chosen to let them know that they have been nominated.

Seven facts about me:

1. I am hard of hearing so my world is largely visual.

2. If I could live anywhere in the world it would be Anchorage, Alaska – it is more breathtaking than any other spot on Earth.

3.  My favorite tea is Samovar Tea from the Kobuk Coffee Company in Anchorage, Alaska.  No, Market Spice is not just as good.  If you like spice tea this is THE ONE.

4. I like blueberry coffee.  My friends shudder at the thought.  🙂

5. I was born a Jayhawker and remember precisely nothing about the state.  I do remember the Badlands of NorthDakota when I was a wee little lass.

6. I seem to have lost some hours – as in I seem not to have enough hours in the day.  If you find my missing hours, could you please send them back to me? I need them if I am to go back to my old exercise routine of 3 hours a day.

7. I love American Sign Language.  I am an intermediate signer and intend to get to expert level.  It is the 4th most common language in the United States today.

The next part of the award is nominating other bloggers:

1. Alice through the Macro Lens  ~  She’s brilliant with macro and I drool over her composition and captures.
2. Ankur I-View ~ has raw and gritty shots of city life, is very creative and one of the first photoblogs I followed.  Plus, he uses an iPhone 4S, like me.
3. Becoming Deaf  ~ Just what it says – the adventures and misadventures of Hard of Hearing (HoH) individuals or late deafened adults.
4. Bogs of Ohio ~ If you like verdant outdoor photography, this is a wonderful blog.
5. Broken Light ~ a collective of photographers struggling with mental illness who have a place to create in safety.  They are good photographers and provide excellent insight into the struggles many of us face. Bravo!
6. Deaf in Prison ~ – This may the most meaningful and important blog I follow.  It is about justice and treating people fairly – both in the criminal justice system and the penal system.
7. Foodimentary ~  This site is so much fun!  A new national food day every day with great photos.
8. Into the Mouth of Madness ~  Another great iPhone photo blog.
9. Iphoneography Central It is really a must see for the iPhoneographer
10. Lipreading Mom ~ Author, blogmeister and activist for the deaf and HoH community – Shanna Groves
11. Louise Behiel  ~ Writer and therapist with phenomenal blog about writing, mental health and character development.
12. Photography Improvement ~ – Follow this blog if you want to learn more every day about photography.
13. Poisoned Pets ~  Anyone who loves a dog or cat or other pet should follow this blog. I am a devoted follower of Mollie Morrissette.  I respect and admire the work Mollie does and consider her my pet care hero.  She champions the rights of pets not to eat poisoned foods.
14. Say What Club ~  – A global forum for people with hearing loss – has a wide variety of topics
16. Snapshooter ~  An incredible range of subjects and depth of ability.
Again, thanks to Melanie of  The Coffee Club.  I hope everyone I’ve listed accepts their award and passes it on to the people they admire.  It is a great way to share blogs others might never otherwise see.

8 comments on “Awards

  1. I love you too! Thank you so much for the nomination and the kind words.

    Mollie Morrissette, author of Poisoned Pets

  2. Thank you so much for this nomination and this honor. We at work very hard, but honors like this make it all worthwhile. I will post my list of nominees within the next day or so. Until then, keep up the great work, and know that is grateful and proud.

    • DeafInPrison is one of the most meaningful sites I follow. It is a reminder to the world that we must insist on fairness in treatment for all individuals – free or incarcerated.

  3. Thank you so much for the nomination. I appreciate the honor, and apologize for taking so long to stop by to say hello and thank you.

    I am missing some hours too. Perhaps they’re out traveling with your missing hours. 😀

  4. Pingback: The One Lovely Blog Award | deafinprison

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